What We Do

Our Programs

Home SAFE seeks to enhance the health of our most vulnerable residents by improving living conditions. Home SAFE works to increase the economic security and well-being of communities through, essential home repairs, removal of trip and fall hazards, and disaster preparedness. Home SAFE is working with the community to substantially reduce, substandard housing in Brunswick County Neighborhoods, FY- 2030.

PIC-HEAL is built on the principle of supporting changes in core behaviors to reduce health and safety risks in rural communities. It encompasses the reduction of food insecurity; increasing access to health care; using healthy foods as medicine; increasing access to healthy foods; training families in healthy food production and increasing movement.

PIC Community Engagement provides a broad outreach to underserved, underrepresented, and marginalized communities to give them a platform to work collaboratively to address the issues that affect their well-being. We work to build partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and affect systems. By uplifting a community’s voice, it can produce true change that impacts their lives now and in the future.

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Past Events

Camp Exposure 2 Excellence

This summer, Partners In Community, Inc. is launching our Exposure 2 Excellence Program. This 6-week camp will expose children from underserved, rural communities to enriching opportunities.

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We need your help.  The budget for this endeavor is $25,000.  Help us help the next generation of leaders. Need more information call Resea Willis at 910-233-6335.  As always thank you for your generosity of spirit and resources.


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